Elizabeth Dessureault Memorial Fund


IMG_0875.jpg At 26 and 5 months pregnant with her first child, non-smoker Elizabeth Dessureault never thought   pregnancy would include a diagnosis of late stage lung cancer and chemotherapy. She was told that   she had less than 1 year to live. At that point, the glow and hope of motherhood changed to include   fear, a fight for her own life and the heavy stigma weight that lung cancer carries. 

 Despite her diagnosis and caring for a newborn, Lizzie was dedicated to raising awareness and   donations for lung cancer charities.  She sold ‘Just Breathe’ bracelets and handbags to raise funds and   awareness, gave numerous media interviews and started a blog. "From Lizzie’s Lungs" was named the   top health blog of 2016.

 Sadly, Elizabeth passed away on Feb 25, 2017.

 Elizabeth's family have created the Elizabeth Dessureault Memorial Fund to honour her and her   tireless effort to raise awareness and hope.

 To donate click here